Bridgette Pattison, a resident of Lima, is the latest winner of the H&R Block promotion “Grand in Your Hand.” The month long giveaway is happening at H&R Block offices across the nation.
Pattison’s tax return this year included an extra $1,000, a sweet reward for having her taxes prepared by H & R Block. She was suspicious at first when she received an email directing her to complete an online form that included her social security number. However, she decided to take a chance and complete the form anyway. The form allowed H&R customers to drop their signature from their tax return directly onto the form and submit it for a chance to win. Pattison was notified on February 15 that she was the latest winner of the contest.
Pattison, a mother of two, who has been a resident of Lima for three years, was of course delighted at the news, and plans to use the prize money to visit her family back home in Kansas. She is also a long-time H&R Block customer, having used the firm’s services since she was eighteen years old. Her taxes for this year were prepared by Kim Milliman at the H&R Avon office. Milliman was very pleased that one of her own customers was a giveaway winner.
The entire office staff, including owner Dawn Every, Milliman, and several others, all celebrated the occasion by serving up cake when the check was presented to Pattison. So far, the Avon office has been fortunate enough to have three winners during the H&R Block promotion, and they hope to see many more. Everyone was notified on Monday that their office had a third winner; however, the identity of the winner was not immediately known.
Lima Woman Wins Latest H&R Block Promotion by Steve Patterson