Your Taxes ˗ What You Need To Know

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has earmarked January 20 as the start of the tax filing period.

Yesterday, the IRS stated that US taxpayers can begin filing their taxes for 2014 January 20th. The tax filing period will begin on schedule unlike last year when there were delays, in spite of a late tax rule introduced by Congress and approved by President Obama, according to the taxing agency.

Previously this month, a bill was passed by Congress that extended over fifty tax breaks, which had expired this time last year. This new congressional tax rule prolongs the tax breaks to the end of the year, permitting taxpayers to take the tax breaks while filing their tax returns for 2014. President Barack Obama approved the bill on December 19.

During the past couple of years, late rule changes introduced by Congress have held up the start of tax filing periods. That … Read the rest

Filing Confusion Faced By U.S. Citizens Living Abroad, June Deadline

Expats wondering about filing and health care requirements, have the opportunity of taking advantage of the expert advice and assistance offered to them by H&R Block, who estimate 1 in 3 expats haven’t filed a 2013 return. They are facing a filing deadline of June 16th this year.

To be of the greatest help to these taxpayers, H&R Block last season launched a remote filing service, and for this tax season, expanding it even more.

Roland Sabates, who is the director of the expat filing services offered by H&R Block has said “U.S. expats may miss many things, but the tax deadline should not be one of them”.

To understand their U.S. tax obligations, there are three questions that expats should be answering:

Are they required to file?
Which foreign assets must they report and how does money in foreign accounts get reported?
What is their responsibility to maintain … Read the rest

Experts Say Charitable Tax Deduction is Safe from Congress

According to experts from the nonprofit sector, charitable tax deduction laws will likely remain unscathed from Congress in the near future. However lawmakers are still dealing with several charitable tax break issues that expired in 2013 and there is uncertainty on whether such tax breaks for charities will continue to exist.

President Barack Obama has consistently tried to limit the amount of tax savings the rich get for itemized deductions and will likely mention this issue is his upcoming proposed budget. However individual adjustments in tax policy typically don’t stand a chance in getting passed unless they’re grouped together

Charitable Tax Deduction
Ron Wyden and Nancy Bass Wyden by David Shankbone (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

with other tax items. Experts say creating such a large tax bill likely won’t happen before midterm election in November.

Adding to the difficulty of altering charitable tax deduction policy is the probable change in Congress. Democrat of Montana … Read the rest

State Income Tax Worries On The Rise

State Income Tax

State Income Taxes Could Possibly be Eliminated by Selective States:

Many States are hoping to experiment with their plan to eliminated State tax returns. The States which consist of mainly Republicans are clinging tightly to this idea praying that it is a success.

Across the U.S. as well as the South and Midwest, numerous Republicans have gained a majority of control when it comes down to state legislatures and governorships, thus gaining the power to test highly debated tax ideas.

Republican Governor Bobby Jindal of Louisiana, for example, has called on ending Louisiana residents income tax as well as corporate taxes, leaving sales taxes to make up for lost profits.

One thing is certain and that is that Tax Filing is becoming a hot topic for many individuals of the United states. Some say cutting Tax Refunds will eventually help all of America, while others see … Read the rest