Tax Made Easy – 7 Usefull Tips For Business

For many businesses, especially small businesses, taxes can be quite a handful. Moreover, it’s not just paying taxes, it’s knowing what can be taxed and/or deducted. So, we made a list of things every business should know about taxes, along with various tips for your business tax. This will help make our tax life a lot easier.

Make sure you keep Track of Everything

While we realize this may seem like one of the most obvious tips for your business tax, many businesses forget to keep track of everything. Every expense, purchase, deduction, refund and even car mileage –  keep track of them all. This helps you file accurate taxes. Remember, an inaccurate tax filing can lead to legal problems.

Separate your Expenses

One of the most important tips for your business tax is to always set apart your business expenses from your personal ones. Your personal expenses are not … Read the rest

Bipartisan Changes Needed To Reduce Debt

Reduce Debt

Spending cuts and reforms to government entitlement programs are very necessary, according to an interview with House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi on National Public Radio. The interview was broadcast nationally on Thursday morning. Pelosi said that she feels the government should be scrutinizing every dollar in the budget in order to reduce costs and prevent future generations of Americans from paying for financial mistakes made today. This applies as much to the defense budget as it does “on the domestic side,” she said.

Other segments of the interview featured Pelosi praising the recent budget agreement, saying the rise in taxes on the most wealthy Americans brings “more fairness” to the policies. She also said she hopes that reforming programs such as Medicare and Social Security will extend them for future generations, and make them stronger today. While she supports reform of these entitlements, she does not support any … Read the rest

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