Filing Confusion Faced By U.S. Citizens Living Abroad, June Deadline
Expats wondering about filing and health care requirements, have the opportunity of taking advantage of the expert advice and assistance offered to them by H&R Block, who estimate 1 in 3 expats haven’t filed a 2013 return. They are facing a filing deadline of June 16th this year.
To be of the greatest help to these taxpayers, H&R Block last season launched a remote filing service, and for this tax season, expanding it even more.
Roland Sabates, who is the director of the expat filing services offered by H&R Block has said “U.S. expats may miss many things, but the tax deadline should not be one of them”.
To understand their U.S. tax obligations, there are three questions that expats should be answering:
Are they required to file?
Which foreign assets must they report and how does money in foreign accounts get reported?
What is their responsibility to maintain … Read the rest