How to Amend a Tax Return on TurboTax

You will need to file an amended tax return if you discover that you accidentally left out information, made an error in math or used the wrong codes on your original return. Here is How to Amend a Tax Return on TurboTax:

Amend your tax returns as soon as you realize there is an error or omission on your original return. If you wait too long, you may not be allowed to file an amendment. In addition, the IRS may assess penalties and interest charges if they think you are failing to report additional income or rebating taxes you should have withheld on a payment.

How to Amend a Tax Return on TurboTax
How to Amend a Tax Return on TurboTax

Prior to the Due Date

You can file a superseding return if you need to change your return before the original due date. This is done by attaching a copy of the amended form, along with … Read the rest

Using IRS Where’s My Refund Tool

IRS Where's My Refund Tool
Maialisa / Pixabay

The popular IRS Where’s My Refund Tool from the IRS is something you can use anywhere to check the status of your refund and look at your tax return. You do need some information from your return, including your SSN (Social Security Number), filing status and the amount of your current year refund.

Within 24 hours you can check the status of your return when you file electronically. If you choose to mail in a copy of your return to the IRS, then wait 4 weeks prior to checking the online tool. You can see one of three status levels when you check: Received, Approved, and Refund Sent.

The information is updated nightly, so only check once a day. If you want to check the status of your return on your phone (IRS Where’s My Refund Tool number: 800-829-1954), download the IRS app ISR2Go. Amended returns have … Read the rest

Why The Best Online Tax Software Is So Simple

When you enter you username and password for the TurboTax login, you are going to have the chance to get your taxes done in a record amount time. Studies have shown that the time to prepare your taxes is greatly reduced when using the best online tax software like TurboTax. You want to have a tax assistant that is going to allow you to finish your taxes without feeling as though you are going to run out of time even if April 15th is approaching. The tax programs of today make your life much easier. And remember that you can use Intuit’s TurboTax program to do any kind of tax return that is needed, from the simple return to the most complicated.

The Simple Return

When you are doing a simple return (like a 1040EZ) on the program, you are going to be able to get it done quickly … Read the rest

Your Taxes ˗ What You Need To Know

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has earmarked January 20 as the start of the tax filing period.

Yesterday, the IRS stated that US taxpayers can begin filing their taxes for 2014 January 20th. The tax filing period will begin on schedule unlike last year when there were delays, in spite of a late tax rule introduced by Congress and approved by President Obama, according to the taxing agency.

Previously this month, a bill was passed by Congress that extended over fifty tax breaks, which had expired this time last year. This new congressional tax rule prolongs the tax breaks to the end of the year, permitting taxpayers to take the tax breaks while filing their tax returns for 2014. President Barack Obama approved the bill on December 19.

During the past couple of years, late rule changes introduced by Congress have held up the start of tax filing periods. That … Read the rest

Comparison between the Cost of TurboTax and other Online Tax Services

It is finally the right period of the year for tax filing, and therefore time for individuals to decide how they want their taxes filed. A person who prefers to prepare their tax return rather than use an accountant or a tax preparation chain like H&R have most likely come across TurboTax 2014. This is among the most desirable online tax services so definitely many users will be using TurboTax2014 software. But how does its prices compare to those of other online tax services?

TurboTax 2014
Whether a customer wants to file a 1040EZ or is interested in something more complex or to file for their little businesses, TurboTax 2014 has a solution. It offers free federal tax preparation for simple returns and three other additional packages. Those other packages are the deluxe, premier and home and business at $29.99, $49.99 and $74.99 respectively. In addition to this, their … Read the rest

A Free Edition Of TurboTax

Over nine hundred million dollars in tax refund money went unclaimed in one year. The Internal Revenue Service reported this notable statistic, and you may wonder how this could happen. There are two main circumstances that lead to unclaimed tax refunds. Read more about getting your free edition of TurboTax.

You may end up creating an unclaimed tax refund situation if you have taxes withheld from your pay but earn less than needed for filing a refund. You will end up adding to the unclaimed refund pool if you choose not to file a tax refund. You should verify whether you qualify for an Earned Income Tax Credit, and the free edition can help you determine your eligibility.

The second reason for most cases of unclaimed tax refunds involves mailing errors. You may not receive tax filing confirmation if you have moved, changed your name, gotten divorced, or … Read the rest

Top Five Reasons To Adjust Your Withholding

Your withholding is the amount of money you have taken out of each paycheck to apply toward income taxes.  When your taxes are filed at the end of the year, any amount that the Internal Revenue Service withheld is credited toward your tax bill.  I, like many others, am unable to afford my own certified public accountant, and just hope that  the amount withdrawn from my income will match up to the total taxes I owe.  Usually that isn’t the case, but luckily, up until this point, I’ve only overpaid and earned a refund back from the IRS.  Those who underpay end up getting a stiff bill, and may end up having to pay penalties as well.

According to the IRS, the average individual tax refund in 2012 was $2700.  That calculates out to an average individual overpayment to the IRS of $225 per month.  I have learned through a … Read the rest